Frustrated by your efforts to lose weight? Together with Oak Therapy spa’s effective weight loss programs, you might be considering an Enema/Colon cleanse to kick-start your weight loss. As foods that lack fiber move through your digestive system much slower than those with high fiber content do, it produces excess mucous that stick on your intestinal walls, weighing down the tract with pounds of decaying matter.
Waste material can build up in the colon and begin to increase the amount of toxins in your body, too many toxins in the body inhibit several processes in the body that affect your weight, including liver detoxification and metabolism. Sounds horrible right? Well colon cleansing helps to get rid of all that and colon cleansing can help people to lose anywhere up to twenty (20) pounds throughout the course of a month.
Remember that the average human colon can hold anywhere up to eight meals before digestion starts to kick in. colon cleansing often results in significant weight loss.
Health Benefits are:
- It is capable of improving your over-all health
- Cleans the colon by removing old stool pieces.
- Reactivates the liver and detoxify your organism.
- Eliminates parasites and the mucous membrane (very high in toxins) in the colon.
- Gets rid of interior toxicity that causes all kind of diseases, including cancer and obesity.
- Boosts and balance your metabolism.
- Weight loss
Enemas can be self-administered using an Enema kit (colon cleansing kit) to flush the colon with warm water, one kit can last as long as you take good care of it.
Visit us for a comprehensive consultation on how to perform Enema at at the comfort of your home.